Friday 23 September 2011

Reaction to the Brief

Firstly I will post a reaction to the brief.

Task 1 - to create my own face using 3ds max using specific tutorials.

This sounds like an interesting task to complete. It will be a good learning experience as I have not modelled a head and face before. We have a set of tutorials to help us, so as long as I follow these correctly, hopefully this task will not be too difficult.

Task 2 - to work in a group and to show how the Guildhall in Finchingfield would have been utilised over the centuries.

This task will be very interesting as it is a real building that comes with history. I will enjoy learning about the building and creating it in 3ds max. The field trip will be very useful next week to help us to understand what we have to do for this aspect of the module.

Overall I am looking forward to this module, hopefully it will be as enjoyable as the 3d Modelling module last year.

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